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Themed 13x13 Standard Crossword - Compiled By stellam
Date: 03 Oct 2011 Title: Sequels & Follow-Ons and Jane Austen
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1. On the flyleaf, the owner of the volume had written . . Private Property of Miss Cassandra Austen..Do Not Read...That Means You, Jane.. (7)
5. My Dear P,I know you are engaged to attend the concert tonight. Stay behind. Join me for dinner instead. I?ll have my carriage waiting near the corner at nine. W.E. (4)
8. ?To those of us who love Jane Austen, she is like the brightness of burnished silver. Something lovely, with sparkle, that makes our world more beautiful. I adore her. I love the pleasure she gives with a well-turned line, the way she can make you actually laugh out loud, the bite of her sarcasm, how she lets you fall in love again and again.?Remarkably Jane: Notable Quotations on Jane Austen (5)
9. 'Jane, I am afraid. If anything happens to me, remember that I love you and that my spirit will always be with you, though we may never see each other again. The world is a cold and frightening place where nothing is as it seems. It was all so different a few short months ago. When I awoke on my wedding morning, I thought myself the happiest woman alive' (7)
11. 'Vice leads to difficulty, virtue to reward. Bad characters come to bad ____.'Tom Lefroy, Becoming Jane (4)
12. ?If only it were possible to tell for certain who had handled that mattock. Then it would all be cleared up in a matter of moments.? (8)
15. Mr Wickham is rescuing me, she thought as they left the horrific scene, galloping away at speed, weaving their way through the mayhem. It was all quite delightful (5)
16. Her husband took her arm. 'I have a proposal for you. Another one? You've only just made good on your last.'Carrie Bebris (5)
19. ?Still, Mama, I am not so desperate as to try my luck with a young lady who looks like a toad.? This threw his mama into an agony of confusion.' (8)
21. ?And that required a ____ to the shin?? Rosemary asked with narrowed eyes. ?Mr. Bingley is not paying me enough to be kicked.?Jennifer Becton - Caroline Bingley (4)
23. Perhaps, I thought, as my feet found the music, there really were such things, once, as marriages made in Heaven. (7)
25. 'She does not wish to speak of it nor have her condition generally known. We must respect that, my son, and go on as before; and though every feeling cries out against it, Christmas?' (5)
26. 'She did not always feel so absolutely satisfied with herself, so entirely convinced that her opinions were right and her adversary's wrong, as Mr. Knightley.' Jane Austen (4)
27. They sought a way to get time with me, and they found it. You wish to know why I so seldom give my good opinion to those I meet; it is this dishonesty, this deception of which I cannot approve. I cannot?I will not?marry a woman I do not trust' (7)
2. 'And accord the utmost consideration to your proposal.' She crossed thoughtfully to the doorway, stopped, and turned as the lights began to fade. Bath, she said, her voice tinged with ambivalence. I'm going to Bath.' by Leslie Caroll also known as ______ Elyot 2. Basque mythology, is a genie of thunder and the personification of storm clouds. (9)
3. 1. 'It's such happiness when good people get together - and they always do.' Jane Austen, Emma 2.' A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.' (4)
4. 1. ' I cannot anyhow continue to find people agreeable; I respect Mrs. Chamberlayne for doing her hair well, but cannot feel a more tender sentiment. Miss Langley is like any other short girl, with a broad nose and wide mouth, fashionable dress and exposed bosom. Adm. Stanhope is a gentleman-like man, but then his ___s are too short and his tail too long.'JA letter of Jan 3, 1801 2. 'She was obliged to recollect that her seeing ___ letter was a violation of the laws of honour, that no one ought to be judged or to be known by such testimonies, that no private correspondence could bear the eye of others, before she could recover calmness enough to return ___ letter which she had been meditating over' Persuasion Chapter 21 (6)
5. 'With such a provision on my part, if you will do yours by repeating the French Grammar, and Mrs. Stent will now and then ejaculate some wonder about the cocks and ___s, what can we want? Farewell for a short time. We all unite in best love, and I am your very affectionate' Steventon, Wednesday evening, Nov. 12th.1800 (3)
6. 1. You may ___ on my first on the side of a stream,And my second compose to the nymph you adore, But if, when you've none of my whole, her esteem And affection diminish -- think of her no more! 2. 'My fingers do not move over this instrument in the masterly manner which I see so many women's do. They have not the same force __ rapidity, and do not produce the same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault -- because I would not take the trouble of practising. It is not that I do not believe my fingers as capable as any other woman's of superior execution.' (5)
7. ?when all becomes plain and? we wonder how we could have been so deceived.? (5)
10. I have scratched out Sir Thos. from walking with the other men to the stables, &c. the very day after his breaking his arm -- for, though I find your papa did walk out immediately after his arm was set, I think it can be so little usual as to _____ unnatural in a book. Janes's Letter to Anna Lefroy , August 10, 1814.' (6)
13. 1. Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to ____ other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life. 2. __ will, I believe, be everywhere found, that as the clergy are, or are not what they ought to be, so are the rest of the nation. 3. To sit in the shade on a fine ___, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment. (9)
14. 1. 'This was a sad omen of what her mother's behaviour to the gentleman himself might be; and Elizabeth found that, though in the certain possession of his warmest affection, and secure of her relations' consent, there was still something to be wished for. But the morrow passed off much better than she expected; for Mrs. Bennet luckily stood in such ___ of her intended son-in-law that she ventured not to speak to him, unless it was in her power to offer him any attention, or mark her deference for his opinion 2. ' I see' in Spanish (6)
17. I had not heard before of her having the _____s. Mrs. H. and Alethea's staying till Friday was quite new to me; a good plan however. I could not have settled it better myself, and am glad they found so much in the house to approve, and I hope they will ask Martha to visit them. I admire the sagacity and taste of Charlotte Williams. Those large dark eyes always judge well. I will compliment her by naming a heroine after her. JA Godmersham Park: Monday Oct 11 1813 (6)
18. The Inheritance of Evil, Or, the Consequence of Marrying a Deceased Wife?s Sister by this Victorian Scottish author (5)
20. 'Do not give way to useless ____; though it is right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to look on it as certain.' Jane Austen P&P (5)
22. 'The E____, a tall, stout man with more than a few vestiges of a handsome countenance, disregarded his mouth full of partridge and began the inquisition in a voice as markedly displeased as his eldest son's was markedly supercilious. 'As you and Darcy are so intimate, Richard, perhaps you could tell us what he is thinking with this strange marriage.' Lucy ~- Austen Interlude (4)
24. a coastal inlet formed by the partial submergence of an unglaciated river valley. It is a drowned river valley that remains open to the sea. (3)