Online Crossword Compiler Registration

Please Note:
Make sure that the email address you enter is correct and a current one. Your password will be emailed to you when you click Register.

Both user name and email address will need to be unique.
Please write down and remember the user name you enter.

Your user name will be the name displayed in the completed crosswords as the Author.

Warning  Some people are registering and not confirming their email address. This means that the automated email with the confirmation link is not being received. The reasons for this are an incorrect email address being entered or a spam filter stopping the email. Please make sure you check your spam folders. All unconfirmed registrations are deleted within one week. Please read the help for more information.



 (6 - 32 Chrs)

 (8 - 16 Chrs)

 (8 - 16 Chrs)

Your location will help when people from around the world search for crosswords using the same language.

We do not pass email addresses or personal information to others. We may contact you regards updates and service interruptions.